Seminar: Optics and Mesoscale Engineering Sciences for Moisture Source Detection and Droplets Growth Rate Prediction

Seminar: Optics and Mesoscale Engineering Sciences for Moisture Source Detection and Droplets Growth Rate Prediction

November 19th, 2019

Lecturers: Dr. Rasoul Nasiri & Dr. Vahideh Faghihi, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE, UK

Number of participants: 26
Number of women among participants: 7

The stable oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of water vapor are effective tracers to provide information in the origin and movement of water in the hydrologic cycle. As water moves through the Earth’s water cycle, it undergoes small but measurable variations in its isotopic composition due to the hydrological cycle (e.g. evaporation, condensation, etc.). The isotopic patterns give insights into the hydrological, climate processes and identify the source of air moisture. The analysis of stable isotope abundances needs high technology and sensitive instruments. For this purpose, we have already designed and constructed a laser spectrometer for simultaneous absolute and real-time measurement of stable isotopes (2H, 17O, 18O) of water vapor. This spectrometer has dimensions of 80*60*25 cm3, with weight of about 25 kg and easily can be carried to perform the measurements online in the field.
Mesoscale engineering science would be able to predict the droplets growth rate using the measured values of water vapor concentration in the gas flow. It is reported for the first time in the world that the users would be able to predict particle droplet growth rates using the information composed of a combination of measurement unit (analyzer) and intelligent part of the instrument.

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