2nd Webinar on Adaptation in an Age of Uncertainty: Incorporating Climate Risks into Decision Making Through CRIDA

2nd Webinar on Adaptation in an Age of Uncertainty: Incorporating Climate Risks into Decision Making Through CRIDA

The second webinar in the series took place on 24 September 2020. It introduces participants to real-life examples of case studies that were performed within Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA) – a collaborative framework meant to help decision makers, stakeholders, and water managers assess and address the risk and impacts of climate change on water resources. The CRIDA case study from Zambia explores the approaches that would increase the Iolanda Water Treatment Plant’s ability to deliver acceptable levels of water supply to the utility that serves Zambia’s capital of Lusaka while incorporating plausible climate change risks into decision making. In Chile, water managers have used CRIDA in the Limarí river basin to identify specific climate-related risks and chart a path towards developing adaptation strategies at a watershed scale that ensure continued performance of key systems. Q&A sessions are run after each case study presentation, featuring interventions and questions from local project partners. The Q&A also feature questions from the audience in order to facilitate an open discussion and provide for an interactive webinar.


Watch the relevant video here.

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