Seminar: Statistical Evaluation of the Effect of Groundwater on the Lake Urmia

Seminar: Statistical Evaluation of the Effect of Groundwater on the Lake Urmia

May 19th, 2019

Lecturer: Dr. Babak Vaheddoost, Assistant Professor, Bursa Technical University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering

Number of participants: 40

Number of women among participants: 6


Lake Urmia, is one of the most important hyper-saline water bodies in the world and a natural habitat for a lot of species. In this study, the aim is to statistically evaluate the interaction between groundwater level and water level in the Lake Urmia basin. In this respect, a direct and an indirect method is used and the nature of the interaction between lake water level and groundwater level is studied. Spatiotemporal data mining techniques are used as a direct tool and a base-flow separation method is used as an indirect tool for this aim. Based on the obtained results, there are strong evidences for interaction between groundwater level and lake water level. It is also estimated that the aquifers at the west coast of the lake is recharging the lake whilst the aquifers at the east coasts of the basin are
consuming the groundwater causing in salinity intrusion near the coast line. Based on the obtained results, reduction in the groundwater level at west and continuation of the groundwater at this rate in east would be disastrous with no return. These results are also confirmed by base-flow separation method which estimated a 70% quota for the base flow index which thought to be provided by the groundwater.

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